30 Metalworking Accounts You Should Follow on Instagram

I’ve stated it before:  I’m a total workshop rat. There’s something about spaces where skilled work gets done that invigorates my spirit. At various points throughout my life, I’ve wandered into blacksmith shops—on my great uncle’s farm in southern Ohio, at a permanent exhibit on the North Carolina State Fairgrounds, at the dead end of a street on the outskirts of my college town in West Virginia—and each time I’ve quieted with reverence, among the tongs and hammers and slack tubs, as if walking in the glow of stained glass windows.

Short of actually hanging around the shop, smelling the hot metal and hearing the clank of a hammer on an anvil, I get my forge fix by following metalsmiths on Instagram. Here are thirty of ManMade’s favorite accounts that we totally recommend. 


We’re not strictly metalworking, as you know. We also share photos of behind-the-scenes craft projects, food and drink, and all the other creative lifestyle content we discuss on the site. Follow us and say hi, and use the tag #ManMadeDIY to show off your projects. We’d love to see what you’re working on. 

1. @alecsteele — Alec Steele

This kid is the heat—he’s a fantastic blacksmith and videographer with a massive YouTube following, and he’s not even 20 yet. 

2. @kyleroyerknives — Kyle Royer

Master bladesmith, good process videos.

3. @swordmatt — Matthew Parkinson

Super active sword- and knifemaker.

4. @rasmusloen — Rasmus Loen Steensgaard

Blacksmith with some particularly nice decorative iron pieces.

5. cjdufton — Cliff Dufton

Focusing mostly on hammers. All. Kinds. of. Hammers.

6. @faramforge — Jakob Faram

Another awesome maker of hammers.

7. @blacksmithtools — Andrew Alexander

This dude makes sweet blacksmithing tools.

8. @stelter_edgeworks — Will Stelter

Another teen totally kicking it with some beautiful knives, especially for cooking. 

9. @covin_waylander — Covin Waylander

Korean artist working with the lost-wax silver casting process.

10. @heronforge — Heron Forge

Chinese blacksmith with decorative iron pieces.

11. @mt_phillip_metal_works — Mt Phillip Metal Works

Blacksmith shop feed with some nice process videos.

12. @vintagetoolworks —Vintage Tool Works

Feed of vintage European anvils for sale, as well as some other vintage tools. I could look at this stuff for a while.

13. @michael.hoops_bs — Michael Hoops

Blacksmith focusing mostly on hammers and decorative pieces.

14. @brandontheblacksmith — Brandon the Blacksmith

General forge fun with some DIY lifestyle mixed in.

15. @blacksmithvises — Blacksmith Vises

This guy mostly just restores vintage blacksith vises. Awesome.

16. @matt.seader — Matthew Seader

This blacksmith makes tools (mostly hammers) for makers in other disciplines.

17. @jessesavageblacksmith — Jesse Savage

Blacksmith with some awesome process photos, including sketch ideas for new pieces.

18. @artisansmith — Charlie

Australian multidisciplinary metal- and woodworker. Scroll down far enough and you’ll his copper Aeropress

19. @kimoppsaleriksen — Kim Andrew Erikensen

Norwegian coppersmith with some sweet hand-hammered pieces.

20. @siometalworks — Carson Sio

Metalsmith working in copper, silver, bronze, and more.

21. @hazelthornsilversmith — Hazel Thorn

British silversmith working with some really nice textures and colors.

22. @jung.in.metalwork — Inwon Jung

Korean coppersmith with beautiful containers and spoons.

23. @sammooresilver — Samantha Moore

Silversmith (and dog lover).

24. @loganwoodlesilversmith — Logan Woodle

Silversmith who also works with metals like brass and pewter. Plus, some fun DIY homesteading.

25. @bluskilletironware — Blu Skillet Ironware

Beautiful cast iron skillets, plus more!

26. @cloverdaleforge — Matt Jenkins

Blacksmith producing a variety of work, from decorative to functional.

27. @jasonlonontoolmaker — Jason Lonon

Maker of beautiful axes, adzes, and other tools. 

28. @theprovidencehammer — Nick Tomlin

Awesome blacksmith—I especially dig his work of repairing and restoring old things. 

29. @skonordforge — Lars Andersen Skonnord

Norwegian blacksmith with some really nice general photography as well.

30. @j.l.burrell_toolmaker — Josh Burrell

This guy makes some seriously beautiful tools.

Who are your favorite blacksmiths and metalworkers to follow on Instagram? Let us know in the comments below!

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