The Connoisseur???s Guide to Making S???mores – Perfected

I love s’mores. I hate getting sticky.* Which I mention only to point out how much I truly love s’mores since they nearly always get your hands/face/everything sticky. It’s the perfect smoky and sweet desert to finish off any night’s worth of camping and hiking or simply sitting around the campfire with friends. But here’s a suggestion that takes the s’mores game to a whole new level…    

It comes via David Coggins (the author of Men and Style) and involves the usual adages about quality ingredients and PATIENCE, but get this: once it’s all put together, he grills it. The idea being to give all the ingredients a little more time to coalesce into a new superfood — the ultimate s’more. 

Check out the video below and let us know what you think. 

*I don’t mind getting sticky when I’m in the shop or cooking or working on something obviously, but I always find it frustrating to get sticky when I’m just hanging out in society and not particularly working with my hands etc. Ok that’s all, just clarifying my manhood. Kthxbai. 

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