The Best Cross-Country Craft Beer Road Trip, Routed Algorithmically

It goes without saying that drinking and driving don’t mix. But how about cross-country driving and hitting up the best craft breweries in the same area all in one go? Not a bad plan, but how would you decide which breweries are worth you time (there are currently over 4,000 craft breweries in America)? 

Enter: The Top Brewery Road Trip, Routed Algorithmically.  

The good, kind people at FlowingData took the information from RateBeer’s list of top craft breweries in America and compiled them by location so you can be sure to hit up all the iconic breweries in any central or out of the way locale. Plan a weekend getaway, a full summer adventure, or just keep the map on hand so you’ll know where to stop next time you’re hunting for a quality brew on the road.

Check out the map here and let us know what you think of how it ranks your area.

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