A Closer Look: The Distiller

Gin DistillingHere is a story of a Brooklyn man who was tired of his job and decided to start a distillery instead. Click through for your dose of maker inspiration.   We all love the background story of a maker that chose to turn his passion into a living. It’s a dream, or at least a quiet whisper in the back of every maker’s head “if I could make my passion my job I would be thrilled”. Brad Estabrooke talks about his journey to become the first Gin Distiller in Brooklyn since prohibition, and a few lessons on what it takes to follow your dream.

Are you moving towards that small voice in your head? Life’s too short to spend it wondering what the other path would have looked like. We’d love to hear from you, on what your dream would be. If you took that step, what would you strike out to do?

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