Build This: DIY Affordable Dining Table for Six

X-Table PB InspiredA few years ago my wife handed me a catalog and told me she “must have” the table inside. After I took a look at the design (and the price tag), I was inspired to build it myself.   While I love the style of Pottery Barn’s furniture, it’s never been in my budget to fill my house with their excellent products. But when my wife showed me the wide, welcoming table that would help us better entertain at our house, she was ready to make the purchase. Having just claimed the garage as my own, I was eager to make this myself. So despite my wife’s doubt, I set out to make it.

At the time, I designed and built it inspired by the product page here. After plenty of work, here is what I now have in my dining room:My Dining Table

While it was a lot of fun to design the table, I’ve found a great link to a set of plans so you can build your own without the (multiple) mistakes I made. The guys over at Design Confidential have a full set of plans and plenty of steps to make the process as seamless as possible.

Take a look and let me know if you decide to build one yourself!

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