If you’ve ever walked down the greeting card isle during February, you know it can be a sensory overload of 100’s of pink and red frou-frou Valentine cards. Somewhere between the cheesy one-liners and floral designs maybe a descent card awaits for $5, but by the time you settle for it, loved ones have already filed a missing persons report and you’ve contemplated arson because they’re out of the correct envelope size. Avoid the hastle, skip the corporate-generated professions of love and print one of these simple Valentine’s Day cards at home…
Each card below has a ManMade-esque design that can easily be printed on a home computer. And each one is blank inside. One of the other issues with picking out a card is trying to find one that says just the right thing. However, since you’re giving this card to someone you care about, and you’re an adult, stop letting other people write for you. The focus of a good Valentine card should be what you put into it. May I suggest you try a haiku? But the front should have something sincere and eye catching without be gaudy or tacky. So here are five cards that, hopefully, fall into that category.
Each one has a downloadable PDF and was created for a standard 8.5 x 11 inch paper.
Paper disclaimer: You want to use a decent quality card stock that can fit your printer… i.e. not the same computer paper you’d print a Groupon on. We’re going for a little effort here.
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