How To Get Rid Of Gnats In Your Home (And How To Keep Them Away)

Gnats can be an annoying and pesky problem in your home. Whether they’re swarming in your kitchen or buzzing around lights, they can be tough to get rid of. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to reduce the presence of gnats in your home.

close up of gnat on white surface

Photo Credit: John Reynolds via Canva

Step One:

You need to identify where the gnats are coming from. Gnats are attracted to moisture and decaying organic matter, so locating the source of the gnats is essential. Check for rotting food, mold, or other organic materials that attract gnats. Be sure to check in less obvious places too like overly moist potted plants. Once you’ve found the source, clean it and dispose of it properly.

vegetable waste and food garbage in kitchen garbage can

Photo Credit: dottyjo via Canva

Step Two:

The next step is to reduce the humidity in your home. High humidity can create an environment that will attract gnats, so it’s important to keep your home’s humidity levels as low as possible. If you find that you’re repeatedly having to manage how to get rid of gnats, it could be worth investing in a dehumidifier to help reduce humidity levels and make your home less attractive to the persistent creatures. Additionally, keep the windows closed—especially during humid weather.

Photo Credit: Daria Sharkahova via Canva

Step 3:

Next, you can use traps to help reduce the number of gnats in your home. There are several types of traps available, including sticky traps, bait traps, and light traps. Select the type of trap that works best for your home and follow the instructions on the packaging.

Photo Credit: Raylipscombe via Canva

You can also use natural methods to repel gnats. Place cloves, cinnamon sticks, or garlic cloves around your home. The strong smell of these products can repel gnats and keep them away from your home. Additionally, you can use essential oils such as lemon, lavender, or peppermint oil to help repel gnats.

Finally, you can use insecticides to get rid of gnats. There are several types of insecticides available, such as sprays, baits, and dusts. Be sure to read the instructions and warnings on the packaging before using.

Here are 10 additional quick tips for getting rid of gnats:

  • Keep your home clean by vacuuming and dusting regularly to eliminate potential food sources for gnats.
  • Place a bowl of apple cider vinegar with a few drops of liquid dish soap in it near areas where you’ve noticed gnats. The gnats will be attracted to the vinegar and will get trapped in the soap.
  • Hang a yellow sticky trap near windows or other areas where you’ve seen gnats. The gnats will be attracted to the bright color and will get stuck on the trap.
  • Use a fan to create a breeze in the area where you’re having a gnat problem. The breeze will help to keep the gnats away.
  • Place a bowl of soapy water in areas where you’ve seen gnats. The gnats will be attracted to the water and will get stuck in the soap.
  • Turn off your lights at night, as gnats are attracted to light.
  • Use a naturally-derived insecticide to help reduce gnat populations in your home.
  • Place a bowl of water with a few drops of lemon-scented dish soap near areas where you’ve seen gnats. The gnats will be attracted to the lemon scent and will get stuck in the soap, just like with the apple cider vinegar.
  • Put some cloves in a bowl of water near areas where you’ve seen gnats. The gnats will be repelled by the strong scent of the cloves.
  • Plant mint around your home, as gnats are repelled by the strong scent of mint.

By following these steps, you can help reduce the presence of gnats in your home. Remember to identify and eliminate the source, reduce humidity levels, use traps, use natural repellents, and use insecticides as directed. With a combination of these methods, you should be able to get rid of gnats and keep them away.

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