There aren’t many produce items to get excited about during the winter. Fresh corn is nowhere to be found, the tomatoes are abysmal, no spring freshness or autumnal earthiness. Just citrus shipped in from around the world, and a few pears.
Oh, but then there are pomegranates. Though they’ve certainly risen in trendiness the last few years, don’t be fooled. They’re truly a special fruit, and whether or not Oprah thinks they’re cool, they’re delicious and pretty versatile.They’re especially tasty in a cocktail, so I’m plenty excited to find this homemade pomegranate liqueur recipe from DJ Eucalyptus. “Homemade pomegranate liqueur is surprisingly easy to make without any complex or out-of-the-ordinary tools and the results are both delicious and make perfect gifts for almost any occasion! All you need are a few simple ingredients, a few household kitchen utensils, and some time (it takes about a month and a half to properly age and cure).”
If you’ve never disassembled a pomegranate before, check out this how-to I created for ReadyMade. It’s really quite fun.
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