The brown paper sack is iconic, and pretty cool looking, and waxed canvas is an incredibly durable material. Put them together and what do you got? This great DIY project from Anna Makes. The process is simple: get some brown canvas, sew a couple seams to turn it into a bag, then coat it with wax. This is actually a great intro to wax canvas in general – a technique you can use on your clothes, travel and outdoor gear, a baseball cap, your go bag, etc.
Anna says, “I became intrigued with the waxed canvas process and decided to try it over the weekend. I loved the end result so much that I made an extra dinner last night just so that I could bring lunch to work this morning!
This DIY is a great way to to replace your brown paper bag with a re-usable, durable waxed canvas version. Waxing canvas makes the fabric water resistant and stain-proof to protect your snacks on-the-go. Plus, you can’t really argue with using less paper and bringing lunch instead of eating out!”
Cool, right? Get the full how-to instructions at Anna’s instructable: DIY Brown Bag and see more of her creations at Anna Makes
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