How To: Make Homemade Pop Tarts

I admit it…I’ve been known to grab a toaster tart or two and a piece of fruit when I haven’t left myself enough time to grab something less portable, especially on days when I’m taking two-wheeled transportation.

pop tarts, cooling

I don’t particularly like the way they taste, but I do like not being hungry and having a portable treat. So, I was pretty pumped to find this DIY Pop Tart how-to from the Smitten Kitchen. Not only are they certainly more healthful and bound to taste better, but since you’re starting from scratch, you can put ANYTHING you want inside: all kinds of fruit purees and jellies, honey and nuts, way better cinnamon-and-sugar combos, Nutella, and of course, SAVORY TARTS.


  brown sugar and nutella fillings

And I don’t see any reason why these can’t be stored in the freezer and toasted-up each morning just before you head out the door.

I’ll be making some this weekend. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Homemade Pop Tarts | Smitten Kitchen

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