How to: Make Your Own Soap at Home… from BEER!

Interesting fact of the day: homemade soap is actually better for you than store-bought options. It’s true! According to Tiffany from Offbeat and Inspired, “because of the “superfatting” (a small % of excess oils), homemade soaps are so much more moisturizing than typical store-bought soaps that you may never need to use a hand moisturizer again.” Oh, also – you can make soap (and shampoo) from beer. So, this whole thing seems like a win-win-and-win. 

The recipe features a dark ale, complemented with honey and citrus. And they use malted barley (the main ingredient of beer) as an exfoliant. Pretty clever. 

Check out the full recipe on Offbeat and Inspired. While you’re there, check out their 101-style guide to making cold process soap of any type. 

A Recipe for Citrus Honey Scotch Ale Soap []

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