Make a Facebook “Like” Light for Your Office

Make your own Facebook Like Light

When you own a new, small business, checking your Facebook page for Likes has a drug-like draw to it. Checking your phone every 10 minutes for an update is a quick way to kill your battery, and perhaps your nerves. Enter this brilliant invention from RedPepper, a lamp that lights up every time someone likes your page!    

Using some simple web and computer programing language, a custom lego kit from Lego’s Digital Designer Red Pepper Agency in Nashville was able to assemble this absurdly simple light for their marketing office.

Check out their quick process video below.

With platforms like Arduino, the average maker can now turn a simple project, like a light made of Legos, into a lamp with a brain. If you’re new to the world of microcontrollers, like me, this DIY seems like a great starting point.

Learn more about Arduino Microcontrollers, Facebook Like lights and more over at RedPepper’s Invention Lab.

Bonus: Check out their Siri controlled beer cart that utilizes the same Arduino technology.

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