Make This: DIY Concrete Sphere Fountain

Lowes Concrete Sphere FountainConcrete is the ideal material for outdoor life. It looks great, holds up to just about anything, and blends well with wood and greenery. Here’s a weekend project to make a concrete fountain that will class up any outdoor space.   Outdoor fountains are a great feature in a backyard to hide those background noises like traffic or annoying neighbors, a bit of babbling water just makes it all fade away a bit more. The great thing about this fountain is the dry base, which means water hits the rock and flows down below the surface into a small recess where the pump picks it up and pushes it back to the top. The lack of standing water curbs algae, mosquitoes, and it just looks great.Adding the base

Another big plus on this project is the fact that it’s made from durable, solid concrete. Making things out of concrete makes me feel like a boss. It’s so great to basically take sand and water and mold it into something lasting. Sphere fountain

So take a look at the tutorial and make one of these for an instant ambiance upgrade.

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