One Chicken, 17 Healthy Meals, 26 Bucks, No Mayo

Kristen Swensson of Cheap, Healthy, Good has accomplished an incredible week-long adventure: she created an entire weeks worth of healthy meals for two people with pantry staples, $25.00, and one whole chicken. “The stretchability of a whole chicken is a frequently discussed topic among food and frugality bloggers… [but] here’s the thing: sometimes, those dinners aren’t the healthiest meals in the world. There tend to be a lot of quesadillas and casseroles whenever these type of posts pop up, not to mention chicken salads drenched with full-fat mayo. Now, there’s nothing wrong with this whatsoever (except the mayo – blech), but I wanted to see if I could put a healthier spin on it. In a sentence: I wanted to find out if it was possible to create a gaggle of inexpensive, lower-fat meals with the leftovers from one big ol’ chicken.

And she did it! No repeats, and no waste, and only $0.86 over budget.   She includes her shopping list and all the recipes on CHG.

1 Chicken, 17 Healthy Meals, $26 Bucks, No Mayo

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